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* BUFFER.C vi:ts=4
* Copyright (c) Eddy Carroll, September 1994.
* This module maintains the review buffer used by SnoopDos to record
* the past events that have occurred.
#define TESTING 0
#include "system.h"
#include "snoopdos.h"
#include "patches.h"
#define INVALID_HUNK ((USHORT)(-1))
#if 0
#define DB(s) KPrintF(s)
#define DB(s)
static UBYTE *BufferStart; /* Ptr to start of our buffer */
static UBYTE *BufferEnd; /* Ptr to end of our buffer */
static UBYTE *BufferCur; /* Ptr to next free loc in buffer */
static ULONG BufferSize; /* Size of current buffer */
* This is the mapping that assigns format ID's to the various
* fields we can output.
FieldInit FieldTypes[] = {
EF_END, 0, 0, 0
* InitBuffers()
* Initialises certain variables associated with the buffer routines.
* Must be called before any of the buffer functions are called.
void InitBuffers(void)
* SetTotalBufferSize(size, alloctype)
* This function is used to change the size of the buffer. If no buffer
* has yet been created, one is allocated. If there is not enough room
* to create a new buffer without freeing the existing buffer first,
* then FALSE is returned, _unless_ the alloctype parameter is
* SETBUF_FORCENEW, in which case it simply frees the existing buffer
* first, losing any existing history info.
* In general, the old buffer's contents are copied across to the
* new buffer so that the user's history isn't destroyed.
* The intention is that the caller tries to use this call with
* the tryalways flag set to SETBUF_KEEPOLD first; if that fails,
* then it can display a requester to the user saying that this will
* cause the existing buffer info to be lost permanently if you go
* ahead--Yes/No? and then do a retry with alloctype set to
* SETBUF_FORCENEW if the user so chooses.
* In any case, when allocating a new buffer, the routine will always
* allocate a buffer if possible, even if it can't allocate the full
* size requested.
* Returns FALSE if there wasn't enough room to allocate the new buffer
* (the minimum buffer size is something like 4K.)
* Note that if the size of the buffer is being reduced, the caller
* is responsible for updating the display to reflect the new status.
* Note also that the whole idea of only freeing the buffer if there's
* no other option is great in principle; in practise, it turned out to
* be too much work to support copying buffers for such an infrequent
* operation, so we don't do it after all.
int SetTotalBufferSize(ULONG newsize, int alloctype)
UBYTE *oldbuf = BufferStart;
ULONG oldsize = BufferSize;
UBYTE *newbuf;
ClearBuffer(); /* Clear the existing buffer first */
* First, work out if we have enough memory to satisfy the request
* without freeing our old buffer first. If we don't, and if
* alloctype is SETBUF_KEEPOLD, then we fail immediately.
if (newsize < MIN_BUF_SIZE)
newsize = MIN_BUF_SIZE;
newbuf = AllocMem(newsize, MEMF_ANY);
if (!newbuf) {
* No memory available -- we _may_ need to bomb out at this
* point. If we didn't have a buffer already, then we
* always go ahead and try and allocate some, regardless
* of alloctype.
if (oldbuf && alloctype == SETBUF_KEEPOLD) {
return (FALSE);
* Okay, try and allocate the memory even though it means
* freeing up the old buffer first.
if (oldbuf) {
FreeMem(oldbuf, oldsize);
oldbuf = NULL;
newbuf = AllocMem(newsize, MEMF_ANY);
if (!newbuf) {
* Couldn't allocate memory on second attempt. Finally,
* we just grab the largest chunk we can and use that
* instead.
ULONG freesize;
freesize = AvailMem(MEMF_ANY | MEMF_LARGEST);
if (freesize < MIN_BUF_SIZE) {
return (FALSE);
if (freesize < newsize) /* freesize > newsize _is_ possible! */
newsize = freesize;
newbuf = AllocMem(newsize, MEMF_ANY);
if (!newbuf) {
* Should never happen, but better safe than sorry
return (FALSE);
* Okay, we finally have some memory so initialise the global
* buffer variables for use by everyone else.
BufferStart = newbuf;
BufferSize = newsize;
BufferEnd = newbuf + newsize;
BufferCur = BufferStart;
if (oldbuf != NULL) {
// CopyEvents(newbuf, newsize, oldbuf, oldsize);
FreeMem(oldbuf, oldsize);
NewList(&EventList); /* Probably need to delete this eventually */
return (TRUE);
// void CopyEvents(UBYTE *newbuf, ULONG newsize,
// UBYTE *oldbuf, ULONG oldsize) {}
* ClearBuffer()
* Clears the current buffer by a very simple process -- it simply
* erases the current list of linked items, and resets RealFirstSeq etc.
* to be the next available event number. This means that any events
* that were partially in progress will spot, on their completition,
* that their associated event number is now < RealFirstSeq, and so
* won't try and write into the now-cleared buffer, thus avoiding
* corruption.
* BaseSeq is used to allow the new buffer count to commence from
* 1 again, rather than keeping the old number (which might be
* into the hundreds by this stage!)
* Note: we are a little bit naughty in some of the patches in that
* after allocating a brand new event, we sometimes write into it
* immediately _without_ semaphore protection (to fill in the
* initial details etc.) This is not terribly wise, but since there
* is never anything to deliberately cause a task switch, it's
* reasonably safe. Adding semaphore protection to all these cases
* would complicate things quite a bit.
void ClearBuffer(void)
Delay(5); /* Just to be safe, let everyone else run for 0.1 seconds */
BufferCur = BufferStart;
BaseSeq =
FirstSeq =
RealFirstSeq =
TopSeq =
LastDrawnTopSeq =
BottomSeq =
MaxScannedSeq =
EndSeq =
EndCompleteSeq = NextSeq;
* CleanupBuffers()
* Frees up the buffer on exit, along with any other pertinent
* resources that were allocated by this module.
void CleanupBuffers(void)
if (BufferStart) {
FreeMem(BufferStart, BufferSize);
if (BufferSize == 0)
ShowError("Warning! BufferSize is zero for some reason!");
BufferStart = NULL;
BufferSize = 0;
* GetNewEvent(stringsize)
* Allocates a new event structure from the list from the buffer
* and returns a pointer to it. If necessary, one of the existing
* buffers will be flushed to make room for the new event.
* The stringsize is the maximum amount of extra space to allocate
* after the end of the event to accomodate string storage. A pointer
* to this data area can be obtained by accessing the first location
* after the event itself. For example, GetNewEvent(20) would return
* an event with 20 additional data bytes after it. Note that this
* _includes_ any terminating zeros that may be present in the
* strings.
Event *GetNewEvent(int stringsize)
UBYTE *startev;
ULONG totalsize;
Event *ev;
/* Calculate total size and ensure it's a longword multiple */
totalsize = (sizeof(Event) + stringsize + 3) & ~3;
if (BufferStart == NULL || totalsize > (MIN_BUF_SIZE/2))
return (NULL); /* Should never happen but doesn't hurt to check */
DB(" [GNE-Go] ");
#if 0
ev = (Event *)BufferStart;
return (ev);
startev = HeadNode(&EventList);
if (IsListEmpty(&EventList)) {
* First time being called, so simply begin at the
* start of the buffer.
BufferCur = BufferStart;
} else {
* There are already some nodes. Try and allocate a new node,
* flushing nodes from the start of the list as necessary.
for (;;) {
if (startev < BufferCur) {
* From BufferCur to the end of the buffer is free space,
* so we can check for a quick fit. If we get one, then
* we go for it, otherwise we move BufferCur back to the
* start of the buffer and start flushing events from
* there.
if (totalsize <= (BufferEnd - BufferCur))
break; /* Got it */
BufferCur = BufferStart; /* Else wrap to start of list */
* Now delete events from here to the end of the buffer until
* we finally have enough room in the buffer. If we run off
* the end of the buffer, let the main loop go around again
* to reset everything.
while (startev >= BufferCur && (startev - BufferCur) < totalsize) {
if (IsListEmpty(&EventList)) {
KPrintF("Uhoh --- list is empty and shouldn't be!\n");
startev = BufferCur = BufferStart;
startev = HeadNode(&EventList);
if (startev > BufferCur)
break; /* Got it */
ev = (Event *)BufferCur;
BufferCur += totalsize;
* Allocate our new event from the current buffer block (which
* we are now assured will have enough space in it)
ev->seqnum = ++NextSeq; /* Give it a unique sequence number */
ev->status = ES_CREATING; /* Mark event as not-to-be-touched */
ev->flags = EFLG_NONE; /* No date/segment lookup as yet */
AddTail(&EventList, (Node *)ev);
* Update current first seq num so patch code knows when an
* event currently being created has become invalid
RealFirstSeq = ((Event *)HeadNode(&EventList))->seqnum;
DateStamp(&ev->datestamp); /* Store current date */
DB(" [GNEEnd] ");
return (ev);
* ParseFormatString(formatstr, evformat, maxfields)
* Parses a text format string containing a list of format identifiers
* (%d, %s, etc.) with optional field widths (%20s, %10d) into an
* internal list of formatting codes that can be quickly processed
* when displaying output.
* formatstr points to the format string. evformat points to the
* EventFormat[] array to hold the output.
* maxfields is the maximum number of format fields that will
* be recognised -- any more than this will be ignored. evformat[]
* must be able to hold at least maxfields elements. If a field is
* duplicated, only the first occurrance is recognised.
* Returns the length any output produced using this format array will
* have (including separating spaces)
int ParseFormatString(char *formatstr, EventFormat *evformat, int maxfields)
int evindex = 0;
int totlen = 0;
char *p = formatstr;
while (*p) {
int width = 0;
int i;
char type;
char ch;
if (*p++ != '%')
* Got a format specifier, so now parse it.
* We ignore any negative prefix -- in the real printf,
* it means left-align this field, and all our fields are
* left-aligned by default anyway.
if (*p == '-')
while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') {
width = (width * 10) + *p - '0';
if (!*p)
ch = *p++;
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')
ch |= 0x20;
for (i = 0; FieldTypes[i].type != EF_END; i++) {
if (FieldTypes[i].idchar == ch)
type = FieldTypes[i].type;
if (type != EF_END) {
* Matched a field. Now try and insert it. But first,
* make sure we don't have a duplicate.
int j;
for (j = 0; j < evindex; j++)
if (evformat[j].type == type) /* Got a duplicate */
if (j < evindex) /* Skip over duplicates */
if (width == 0)
width = FieldTypes[i].defwidth;
if (width < 1) width = 1;
if (width > MAX_FIELD_LEN) width = MAX_FIELD_LEN;
evformat[evindex].type = type;
evformat[evindex].width = width;
evformat[evindex].titlemsgid = FieldTypes[i].titlemsgid;
totlen += width + 1;
if (evindex >= (maxfields-1))
evformat[evindex].type = EF_END;
if (totlen) /* Compensate for the extra 'space' we counted */
return (totlen);
* BuildFormatString(evformat, formatstr, maxlen)
* Converts an existing event format array into an ascii string
* corresponding to the format that can be parsed by ParseFormatString.
* The string is guaranteed to be at most maxlen chars in length
* (including terminating \0);
void BuildFormatString(EventFormat *evformat, char *formatstr, int maxlen)
char *p = formatstr;
char *end = formatstr + maxlen - 6; /* Max length of format element is 5 */
while (evformat->type != EF_END) {
int j;
if (p >= end) /* Never exceed string length */
* Find the event type in our mapping array so that we can
* determine the default width. This lets us choose not
* to include the width in the ascii field, for neatness.
for (j = 0; FieldTypes[j].type != evformat->type; j++)
*p++ = '%';
if (FieldTypes[j].defwidth != evformat->width) {
mysprintf(p, "%ld", evformat->width);
p += strlen(p);
*p++ = FieldTypes[j].idchar;
*p++ = ' '; /* Space out entries for neatness */
p[-1] = '\0'; /* Replace final space with a terminator instead. */
* ltoa(buffer, val, numdigits)
* ltoap(buffer, val, numdigits)
* Converts the given value to an ascii hex string of up to numdigits
* (with leading zeros). No zero termination is performed. The output
* is stored in the first numdigits characters of buffer.
* ltoap is similar, except that it pads leading zeros with spaces.
* Returns a pointer to the buffer.
char *ltoa(char *buffer, unsigned long val, int numdigits)
static char HexDigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
char *p = buffer + numdigits - 1;
while (p >= buffer) {
*p-- = HexDigits[val & 0x0F];
val >>= 4;
return (buffer);
char *ltoap(char *buffer, unsigned long val, int numdigits)
static char HexDigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
char *p = buffer + numdigits - 1;
do {
*p-- = HexDigits[val & 0x0F];
val >>= 4;
} while (val && p >= buffer);
while (p >= buffer)
*p-- = ' ';
return (buffer);
* SetEventDateStr(event)
* This function converts the datestamp in the passed event into a date
* and time string, also stored in the event.
void SetEventDateStr(Event *ev)
struct DateTime datetime;
datetime.dat_Stamp = ev->datestamp;
datetime.dat_Format = FORMAT_DOS;
datetime.dat_Flags = 0;
datetime.dat_StrDay = NULL;
datetime.dat_StrDate = ev->date;
datetime.dat_StrTime = ev->time;
* CheckSegTracker()
* Checks to see if SegTracker is loaded and sets the SegTracker
* global variable accordingly. Should be called every now and
* again to keep us up to date (e.g. whenever a new window is
* opened).
void CheckSegTracker(void)
SegTrackerActive = (FindSemaphore("SegTracker") != NULL);
* SetEventSegmentStr(event)
* This function converts the calladdr in the passed event into a segment
* name and hunk/offset pair if SegTracker is loaded, or into an invalid
* string if SegTracker is not loaded.
* See the Enforcer/Segtracker documentation (from Michael Sinz) for
* more info on how this works.
* Note that if the passed-in event->segname is NULL, then it will
* be reset to an "unknown module" string and no attempt to locate
* the module will be made. It is thus imperative that the _caller_
* only calls this function once for each event. The easiest way
* to ensure this is to use the EFLG_DONESEG flag in the ev->flags
* register to track whether the call has been made or not.
* New: we now detect ROM addresses and search the resident module
* list ourselves looking for the module that contains it.
void SetEventSegmentStr(Event *ev)
typedef char (*__asm SegTrack(reg_a0 ULONG,reg_a1 ULONG *,reg_a2 ULONG *));
static struct {
Semaphore seg_Semaphore;
SegTrack *seg_Find;
} *segsem;
ULONG hunk;
ULONG offset;
char *segname = NULL;
ev->hunk = INVALID_HUNK;
if (ev->segname == NULL) {
ev->segname = "Unknown module";
if (!segsem)
segsem = (void *)FindSemaphore("SegTracker");
if (segsem)
segname = segsem->seg_Find(ev->calladdr, &hunk, &offset);
if (segname) {
strncpy(ev->segname, segname, MAX_SEGTRACKER_LEN);
ev->segname[MAX_SEGTRACKER_LEN-1] = 0;
ev->hunk = hunk;
ev->offset = offset;
} else {
if (ev->calladdr >= RomStart && ev->calladdr <= RomEnd) {
* Let's search the resident list for it ourselves.
* and see if we can't do any better.
struct Resident *res;
ULONG *pres = (ULONG *)SysBase->ResModules;
while (*pres) {
if (*pres & 0x80000000) {
pres = (ULONG *)(*pres & 0x7FFFFFFF);
res = (struct Resident *)*pres++;
if (ev->calladdr >= (ULONG)res
&& ev->calladdr <= (ULONG)res->rt_EndSkip) {
ev->hunk = 0;
ev->offset = ev->calladdr - (ULONG)res;
strcpy(ev->segname, "ROM: ");
strncat(ev->segname + 5, res->rt_IdString,
ev->segname[MAX_SEGTRACKER_LEN-1] = 0;
* Now filter out any remaining carriage returns
* and linefeeds, since they look ugly when printed
* We also convert any open brackets into '\0's
* since these are just dates which we don't care
* about -- it looks neater to just display the
* module name and version.
for (p = ev->segname; *p; p++) {
if (*p < ' ')
*p = ' ';
if (*p == '(')
*p = '\0';
if (ev->hunk == INVALID_HUNK)
* FormatEvent(eventformat, event, outputstr, start, end)
* Formats the specified event according to the passed in format
* array. Only that portion of the fully formatted event which
* lies from the 'start' to 'end' characters is produced, and
* output always starts at the beginning of the outputstr.
* For example, a start of 4 and end of 8 will produce a formatted
* string of exactly 5 characters.
* Each entry in the eventformat array is decoded, and text which
* corresponds to the entry type is copied to the output string. If
* the text is longer than the entry width setting, it is truncated;
* if shorter, it is padded with spaces.
* Each event is separated by one space character.
* If the event pointer is NULL, then the title headings are returned
* instead of the event contents.
void FormatEvent(EventFormat *eventformat, Event *event,
char *outstr, int start, int end)
static char hexbuf8[] = "00000000";
static char hexbuf13[] = "0000:00000000";
static char countbuf[] = " ";
EventFormat *ef = eventformat;
int savechar = 0;
char *savep;
char *p;
int col = 0;
end++; /* Make exclusive rather than inclusive */
while (ef->type != EF_END && col < end) {
int width = ef->width;
* First skip over any entries that fall before desired section
if ((col + width) < start) {
col += width + 1;
if (col > start)
*outstr++ = ' '; /* Add leading space */
* Now parse our current entry
if (event) {
switch (ef->type) {
case EF_PROCNAME: p = event->procname; break;
case EF_ACTION: p = event->action; break;
case EF_OPTIONS: p = event->options; break;
case EF_RESULT: p = event->result; break;
p = ltoap(hexbuf8, event->calladdr, 8);
if (*p == ' ')
p = ltoap(hexbuf8, event->processid,8);
if (*p == ' ')
* This is a little trickier since we allow the user
* to view it left-aligned or right-aligned. For
* right-aligned, we temporarily replace the first char
* with a « to indicate there are additional characters
* to the left, then restore it after we've copied the
* string data later on. This is much quicker (and
* safer) than copying the entire string to a temporary
* just so we can patch a single character of it.
int len;
p = event->filename;
if (RightAligned) {
len = strlen(p);
if (len > width) {
p += len - width;
if (width > 1) {
savep = p;
savechar = *p;
*p = '«';
case EF_DATE:
if ((event->flags & EFLG_DONEDATE) == 0) {
event->flags |= EFLG_DONEDATE;
p = event->date;
case EF_TIME:
if ((event->flags & EFLG_DONEDATE) == 0) {
event->flags |= EFLG_DONEDATE;
p = event->time;
if ((event->flags & EFLG_DONESEG) == 0) {
event->flags |= EFLG_DONESEG;
p = event->segname;
case EF_COUNT:
* We subtract BaseSeq from the event number when
* displaying it so that we have a convenient way of
* making the event number appear to return to 1,
* while internally still ensuring that the event
* number is ALWAYS monotonically increasing, even
* across buffer clears and the like.
mysprintf(countbuf, "%ld", event->seqnum - BaseSeq);
p = countbuf;
if ((event->flags & EFLG_DONESEG) == 0) {
event->flags |= EFLG_DONESEG;
if (event->hunk == INVALID_HUNK) {
* If we couldn't locate the module address,
* then don't bother printing the hunk/offset
* info since it will only be zero anyway.
p = ""; /* Couldn't find module so don't print hunk addr */
} else {
* Only output 6 digits of offset and 2 digits
* of hunk, but arrange that we can handle a
* full 8 / 4 combination if necessary
p = ltoa(hexbuf13+7, event->offset, 6);
*--p = ':';
p = ltoap(p-2, event->hunk, 2);
p = "<Invalid>";
} else {
* Format column headings instead
p = MSG(ef->titlemsgid);
* Okay, so now we have p pointing to our string. We now need to
* copy a sufficient number of characters into the string to
* fulfill our need.
if (col < start) {
* Our first special case is where we have to skip over some of
* the early characters, i.e. chars to left are clipped.
while (col < start && *p) {
if (col < start) {
* Ran out of characters in our string, so pretend we
* have a null string and let the following code pad
* the remaining width with spaces.
width -= (start - col);
col = start;
* Now copy characters intact into string
if ((col + width) > end) {
* This field needs to be clipped. We do this quite simply
* by adjusting the width to be the remaining number of
* chars in the string.
width = end - col;
* Now copy width chars from our string to the output buffer,
* padding with spaces as necessary.
while (width && *p) {
*outstr++ = *p++;
if (width) {
memset(outstr, ' ', width);
outstr += width;
col += width;
*outstr++ = ' '; /* Space in between output fields */
col++; /* onto next column */
ef++; /* Onto the next format field */
* Finally, restore the character we replaced with « earlier
* (if any)
if (savechar) {
*savep = savechar;
savechar = 0;
* Okay, we've generated the string as requested. Now check to see if
* we need to pad the remainder of the string with spaces (i.e. the
* number of fields listed wasn't as wide as the whole window).
* Ideally, we will never be passed in a start/end pair wider than
* the width of the formatted output, but you never know...
if (col <= end) {
memset(outstr, ' ', end-col+1);
outstr += end-col+1;
outstr[-1] = '\0'; /* Remove final terminating space */
* UnderlineTitles(eventformat, outstr, underchar)
* This function creates a string of underlines which matches the
* event headings in the passed event format, such that if the
* headings were printed out in full, the underline string would
* line up properly. underchar is the char used for underlining.
* The reason we can't just take the obvious approach and generate
* a title string, then convert all non-space chars to minus, is
* because we can have titles like "Process Name" and we want the
* underline to be continuous, not break between process and name.
* Returns a pointer to the newly formatted string (outstr). Outstr
* must have room to store the entire width, as defined by the
* event format.
char *UnderlineTitles(EventFormat *ef, char *outstr, char underchar)
char *p = outstr;
while (ef->type != EF_END) {
int width = ef->width;
int titleid = ef->titlemsgid;
int titlelen = strlen(MSG(titleid));
if (titlelen > width)
titlelen = width;
memset(p, underchar, titlelen);
p += titlelen;
width -= titlelen-1; /* Include an extra space between cols */
if (width) {
memset(p, ' ', width);
p += width;
*--p = 0; /* Replace final space with a null */
return (outstr);
* TestEventFields()
* Simple test function to check out our format conversion routines
void TestEventFields(void)
static char inline[200];
static char formatstr[200];
static EventFormat evformat[50];
while (gets(inline) != NULL) {
int len;
if (*inline == 'q')
len = ParseFormatString(inline, evformat, 50);
BuildFormatString(evformat, formatstr, 200);
printf("Converted string: >>%s<<, length = %d\n", formatstr, len);
* TestFormat
* Test our text formatting routines
void TestFormat()
static char inline[200];
static char formatstr[200];
static EventFormat evformat[50];
static char outstr[500];
Event *ev;
int showtitles = 0;
for (;;) {
int len;
printf("Enter a format string (q to quit): ");
if (*inline == 'q')
len = ParseFormatString(inline, evformat, 50);
BuildFormatString(evformat, formatstr, 200);
printf("Actual string is >> %s << (%d chars)\n", formatstr, len);
* Get ourselves a new event
ev = GetNewEvent(0);
if (!ev) {
printf("Uhoh! Couldn't allocate event!\n");
ev->procname = "[ 1] SAS/C compiler";
ev->filename = "s:startup-sequence";
ev->action = "Open";
ev->result = "Okay";
ev->calladdr = 0x12345678;
ev->processid = 0xDEADBEEF;
for (;;) {
int start, end;
printf("Now enter start,end values (-1 to quit, s to toggle): ");
if (*inline == 'q')
if (*inline == 's') {
showtitles = !showtitles;
printf("Now printing %s\n", showtitles ? "titles" : "contents");
sscanf(inline, "%d,%d", &start, &end);
if (start == -1)
if (showtitles)
FormatEvent(evformat, NULL, outstr, start, end);
FormatEvent(evformat, ev, outstr, start, end);
printf("|%s|\n", outstr);
* TestEvents
* Creates some random events, then prints them out
void TestEvents(void)
int howmany = 0;
int i;
printf("Generate how many events? ");
scanf("%d", &howmany);
for (i = 0; i < howmany; i++) {
Event *ev = GetNewEvent((rand() & 63));
printf("Event head: %8x Event new: %8x\n",
(UBYTE *)HeadNode(&EventList) - BufferStart,
(UBYTE *)ev - BufferStart);